CBS Evening News 01.15.24

We want to begin tonight with the Iowa caucuses, the first contest of the 2024 election. And we have breaking news, CBSN can project former President D.T will win the Republican caucuses. Our data desk is able to make this call because of entrance polls and other data. The GOP front runner has led every poll in the Hawkeye State ahead of tonight’s victory in his bid for the Republican nomination. And we’re also getting a picture of what is on voter’s minds because of these entrance polls. They reveal the economy and immigration are the top concerns for Republicans in Iowa. One of the big stories tonight is going to be the battle for second place. N.H and R.D are hoping to come close to T while looking ahead to next week’s N.H primary. This is expected to be the coldest causes day ever. Turnout, a big question with those subzero temperatures and voters facing dangerous conditions just to support their candidate of choice.

Despite the bitter cold, despite his mounting legal challenges, former President T has been able to keep together his conservative coalition in this conservative state. And he was battling rivals who have been largely competing for second place like Florida Governor R.D, who has staked much of his campaign on Iowa. Trying to knock on nearly a million doors through his super PAC, and getting support of the Iowa Governor. But not enough to beat T. Meanwhile, former T ambassador N.H who has real momentum in New Hampshire coming up on the primary calendar. She has spent a lot of time in Iowa as well, hoping to get a bounce here in to that Granite State primary. Many time GOP donors tell me they are watching her finish tonight very closely and ready to pour millions behind her candidacy. Make her the standard bearer for the non-T wing of the party. But T plows ahead in this race as the early beginning of the race. But his legal challenges will continue. Sources tell CBSN he is scheduled to appear tomorrow at the E.J.C defamation case in New York all while the January 6th case looms in Washinton and that classified documents case as well among myriad other legal challenges.

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