CBS Evening News 01.25.22

President B is ramping up the pressure on V.P. warning the Russian President of quote, “enormous consequences” if he invades Ukraine and taking the rhetoric a step further, issuing a personal threat to Putin. Ukraine leaders are trying to calm citizens saying there is no signs that a Russian invasion is imminent. But the war games on the country’s border are telling a different story. Thousands of Russian troops conducted military drills using naval ships and ballistic missiles. And while US troops wait on heightened alert here about three hundred anti-tank missiles and other American made weapons like bunker buster, arrived in Kiev today. The administration says diplomacy isn’t dead, but tensions are still mounting. The US and allies have vowed to hit Russia with sanctions like never before if Moscow invades.

The White House continues to believe Russia could invade Ukraine at any time, and today went further than ever before to make clear: V.P. will face personal economic sanctions if he invades and US troops could be headed to the region sooner, rather than later. A Russian military show of force today on the country’s western border with Ukraine and no signs that V.P. plans to back down. That’s why President B, shopping today at a small business in Washington, says he may soon deploy to Eastern Europe some of the almost nine thousand US troops he’s put on heightened alert. Several thousand US troops already in Europe also could be repositioned but the growing allied response force is still no match for V.P.’s roughly one hundred thousand troops on the ground, at this point completely encircling Ukraine. The White House says an invasion is imminent and Mr. B summoned his top national security advisors for a meeting on the crisis, saying he would specifically target V.P. with economic sanctions if the Russian leader invades. The Russians reiterated today they have no plans to attack. But the administration, fearing V.P. could cut off fuel shipments that run through Ukraine in the coming weeks, is now working with oil and gas suppliers around the globe to ensure there is adequate supply. Some Republicans say they fear Mr. B is still moving too slowly against P.

:::tip imminent

  • : happening very soon. 即将发生的


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