CBS Evening News 01.27.23

Disturbing and horrifying video of the Memphis police beating of T.N was just made public. The city waited until this evening to release four different videos after schools were out and people were home from work. All this comes as five officers have been charged with second degree murder and kidnapping in the death of twenty-nine-year-old father, FedEx worker, and avid photographer. The incident is being compared to the vicious beating of R.K by Los Angeles police in 1991. Demonstrations are already underway in the city of Memphis and cities across the country as security is tight with police departments on alert. President B spoke with T.N’s mother this afternoon to express his condolence. Tonight, he told reporters he is concerned about the potential of violence.

The beating has been described as heinous and inhumane. The family of T.N says he is 6’3’’, a hundred and fifty pounds frame and was terrorized in this assault. The fiver former Memphis police officers were charges are all out of jail on bond. They’re facing charges including second degree murder, aggravated assault, and aggravated kidnapping. Now, with the quick firing of the officers. Attorney C believes Memphis has set a blueprint in this country. His legal team is calling for a law in T.N’s name where officers would have to intervene when other officers are committing a crime. A funeral has set for T.N next week.

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