CBS Evening News 02.07.22

Tonight, the first glimmer of hope of what could be the life after the pandemic, three states across the Northeast, once the epicenter of Omicron surge, have announced timelines to end strict Covid mask mandates. The governor of New Jersey, Delaware and Connecticut all made the announcement to end their states in school mask mandates as cases continue their steep decline nationwide. According to Johns Hopkins, the number of new cases yesterday are down more than ninety-five percent from the high of nearly 1.4 million on January 10th. More states are expected to follow soon even as the White House today said the universal mask wearing in schools still stay in their recommendation.

Americans are so sharply divided over restrictions, but one after another state leaders are moving to a new normal, even as health officials urge cautions. New Jersey have had the country’s strictest mask mandates in schools until now. Democratic governor P.M. announcing an end to mask mandates in schools. Covid cases there are down eighty-nine percent. But the CDC continues to recommend universal masking in schools. In Illinois, where cases are down seventy-three percent, more than a hundred and forty school districts scrambled this weekend after a judge forced them to drop the state’s mask mandate. The ruling came after seven hundred parents sued to stop the mandate. Tonight, Connecticut Governor is dropping their schools mask requirement. On Friday, Delaware’s Governor is ending that state’s indoor mask mandates and lifting it in schools next month. Nationwide, Covid cases are down forty-two percent from just last week. But health officials warn normalcy isn’t here yet. And here in New York, as Covid cases fall, the state’s mask mandate is set to expire on Thursday, with the Governor signaling it could be lifted entirely.

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