CBS Evening News 02.10.23

Tonight, the losses in Turkey and Syria climb to more than twenty three thousand. There are some glimmers of hope, a ten day old child and his mother pulled alive from the rubble. In this family, a husband, wife and their four children were rescued after one hundred and one hours trapped under debris. A small air pocket keeping them alive. Another story we are tracking, an FBI search in M.P’s home is now over. After five hours, agents tonight leaving with additional documents and we’ve got new information on that in just moment. But first, the new question tonight after the White House revealed just this afternoon that an F-22 fighter jet shut down another object flying over Alaska. The debris landed on a frozen body of water. So, the Pentagon is working to recover the object. Officials are trying to determine what the object was doing and if China or any other country had anything to do with it.

Tonight, Pentagon officials say they don’t know who owned or operated the object what it was capable of, or why it was in the air. But they are certain it would have been too risky to wait for all those answers before taking it out. On the orders of President B, the F-22 fighter jet shut down the unidentified object at 1:45 this afternoon. The White House says the US first detected the unmanned object last night, flying at forty thousand feet above the northern coast of Alaska and floating northeast while within the range of commercial planes. Pentagon officials said the latest object was shut down so quickly because it was over frozen water making it easier to recover and because its size would create less of a debris field. Several military aircrafts are now involved in the recovery effort off the coast of Alaska. The object breached the US airspace less than a week after the military shut down of Chinese spy balloon which also entered over Alaska before making its way over several states in seven days, prompting bipartisan backlash over how long it took. Today, the US announced it added Chinese firms that are connected to Beijing’s surveillance balloon program to an export blacklist so they can’t access US technology or goods. The White House says they have not reached out to China about this new object shut down.

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