Tonight, we are beginning our heart health theory with new information about how women experience symptoms differently, even respond differently to heart attacks. Also, a history making Super Bowl if you watched. Well, as R performed, the other historic moment that you may have missed, we’ll tell you about it. But first, we are just getting new pictures of the Chinese spy balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina. CBSN has learned the Navy has recovered a significant portion of the antenna from the bottom of the ocean. But tonight, there are new questions after the US military shot down those three objects over the last three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday over Alaska, Canada and one of the Great Lakes. Well, today the Defense Secretary said the Pentagon has not recovered any of the debris from those objects.
US officials couldn’t say today whether these objects belong to China or to some other government or even to a company or individual. They say President B made the decision to have them all shot down because they could not rule out the possibility that they were being used for spying. A mystery in the skies causing confusion on the ground. The latest object appeared about a week after the Chinese spy balloon was taken out off the South Carolina coast. On Friday, the object roughly the size of a small car was shot down over sea ice in remote northern Alaska. On Saturday, it was a cylindrical object hovering over Canada’s Yukon territory. And on Sunday, an octagonal object over Michigan’s Lake Huron. That won’t be easy until debris from this weekend’s objects can be recovered. Unlike the Chinese spy balloon, US officials say these objects did not appear to be sending in any communications signals process any maneuvering or propulsion capabilities. But at twenty thousand to forty thousand feet, they did pose potential risks to civil aviation according to Defense Secretary L.A. The Chinese government claim today that the US had flown more than ten high-altitude balloons into their airspace since last year. US officials quickly denied it. Despite heavy seas, the Navy has now recovered a thirty to forty foot chunk of the Chinese balloon’s antenna array from the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. As for the other mystery objects, US officials have ruled out one possibility. After the spy balloon incident about a week ago, the nation’s radar system was adjusted to make it more sensitive. And officials say that’s big part of the reason that they’re now detecting more objects but what lawmakers want to know is what the criteria is that President B is going to use for deciding when to shoot objects down now that the US is detecting so many more of them.