Well, tonight, CBSN goes in depth with a look at how Americans exposed to chemicals through food. Plus, the story of two eighty-one-year-old best friends were in the once life time trip around the world. But first, the big story today at top secret and historic trip for President B to Ukraine. Security was tight and it’s the first time in modern history that an American president travel to a war zone while there was not a US military presents on the ground. President’s motorcade slipped out of the White House 3:30 AM on Sunday morning to begin a nearly forty-hour journey in and out of Ukraine. There were no flashy motorcades or Air Force one for this journey. Instead, he took an Air Force C-32 to get to the Poland and then, at 10:00 PM at night, boarded an approximately eight-car train for a ten-hour journey into Kiev, arriving in the Ukraine’s capital just as the sun was rising.
B’s journey had a huge impact, not just for the Ukrainian leaders in that room, but for the Ukrainian people seeing a US president actually visiting in person. It’s becoming a difficult fight. They’re taking losses, they’re tired. And this is a major boost for morale here. Under a cloak of secrecy and amid tight security, President J.B rolled into Kiev’s Central Station early this morning, a discreet start to a dramatic visit, a symbol of solidarity with President V.Z meant to boost morale in Ukraine and a defiant message to Russia. The two men met for nearly two hours in part discussing in detail the situation on the ground here. President B marked one year this week since the invasion began, and saying many thought Kiev would fall within days. President Z expressed his gratitude to the US and said we hope that this year, 2023, will become a year of victory. As they wrapped up President B’s five hour visit and almost on cue, air raid sirens blared as the two men walked together triggered by a Russian fighter jet taken off in Belarus, which borders Ukraine just sixty miles in north. Even though the White House had informed Moscow of the president’s visit.