We begin with breaking political news from South Carolina. CBSN projects D.T will win state’s Republican primary. This marks the fourth win for the former president having already swept contest in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada in the Republican race for president. T’s victory a particularly painful loss for opposing candidate N.H because this is her home turf having previously served as governor of Palmetto State. She voted with her family today.
Former President T is already looking to the January election. Former Ambassador N.H said today she stay in the race, win or lose South Carolina. But T already taking about, taking over the Republican National Committee and installing his allies as he looks toward November. Her donors’ official tells me she has an uphill climb ahead but she still believes there is coalition out there. We don’t believe former President T can win so she stays in this race even though she keeps losing because she also knows T has so many legal challenges on the horizon and anything can happen.