CBS Evening News 03.04.22

Tonight, the world is holding its breath after Russian troops seized the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe, and are now closing in on another. The middle of the night attack on the facility sparked fears of the disaster, the Ukraine officials warned would be ten times larger than Chernobyl. The good news tonight is there are no reports of spikes in radiation. We’re also learning tonight from the Pentagon that the Russian fired more than five hundred missiles so far with NATO says the worst is yet to come. And the attack is getting even more brutal. There are reports of Russian soldiers rapping women and NATO says the Russians are using cluster bombs which are against international law.

In a late night address moments ago, President Z frustrated of NATO’s refusal to impose no-fly zone over Ukraine had harsh words to say, quote” All the people who died starting from this day will die because of you”. Nothing is off limits to Russian military machine even nuclear power plants. US officials say the world only narrowly avoid a nuclear catastrophe during the violent siege of Europe’s biggest nuclear facility. President Z called the attack terror on unprecedented level. Russian tanks knew what they were firing at he said, directly aiming at the station. After a slow start, the Russian invasion is now baring down with fighting that is raging across the country, destroying cities neighborhoods and lives in its path. To the north in Chernihiv, residential leveled after days of Russian shelling. South to the besieged port city of Mariupol, where paramedics scrambled to save the lives of civilians caught up in days of heavy fighting. Today, the NATO Secretary General accused the Russian military of using banned weapons. Increasing numbers of Ukrainian soldiers have begun to arrive in Kiev hospitals as frontline fighting closes in capital itself. As fears of an all-out invasion climbs, residents by the tens of thousands swarm the capital train station, desperate to get away while they can. Families are torn apart, most of the men staying behind to fight. Parents trying to consult frightened children, couples shared one last goodbye. There has been a dramatic increase in tensions across the country and the city in the past twenty four hours.

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