Tonight, even with Russia stalling in its invasion of Ukraine, the brutality of Russian forces has shocked the world. The Secretary of State with an ominous message today, warning that V.P. is going more and more desperate and could be preparing to use chemical weapons. On top of the growing death toll, the destruction of Ukraine is vast. A United Nations report just out details more than one hundred-billion-dollar worth of infrastructure has been destroyed in the first three weeks of the war. Here in Washington, the big news is that President B will speak with China’s President Xi tomorrow. The President planning to warn the Chinese leader that his country will bear with responsibility if they support Russia’s aggression and face quote “significant costs”.
Russian forces have launched one thousand missiles since the start of the invasion, according to senior defense officials in the US as ground forces continue to push towards Kiev. Meanwhile, as Russia continues to launch strikes across the country, there are new signs of Ukraine holding its ground. In an already barbaric war, it was a new low. Bombing a theater in Mariupol where hundreds were taking shelter, despite the word “Children” clearly posted outside. And tonight, rescuer reports many of them have astoundingly survived, some thirty thousand residents have managed to flee the besieged city, but more than three hundred thousand remain trapped amid pitched battles. According the US intelligence since the start of the invasion three weeks ago, more than seven thousand Russian troops have been killed, a dozen of them are here, a refrigerator railcar in Voznesenski, some still teenagers. Perhaps, like so many, they didn’t even know they were going off to war.
:::tip amphibious
- : relating to or adapted for both land and water. 水陆两用
:::tip tenacious
- : persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired. 顽强的