CBS Evening News 03.21.23

Tonight, a powerful storm system moves ashore out West and it’s moving east. Plus, we are continuing our series, Facing Fertility with a look at tonight at the growing popularity of egg freezing. But first, the nation is awaiting a potential criminal indictment of former President D.T. The New York City police department placed steel barriers and cameras around the Criminal Courthouse in lower Manhattan ahead of a possible protests. Law enforcement sources tell CBSN that contingency plans are in place for potential violence. Similar precautions are taking place here in DC with barricades placed around the US Capitol.

Sources tell CBSN that the grand jury’s work here is nearly done, with prosecutors scratching out the framework for a possible indictment of former President T. But officials are increasingly on edge about security challenges and protests. The arrest of former President T predicted what happened today never did, but his call for protests has New York on high alert. Metal barricades have fortified the courthouse where he’d likely turn himself in. And all NYPD officers, numbering about thirty five thousand were ordered to be in full uniform and ready to mobilize. A bomb threat rattled courthouse proceeding this morning. But nothing was found. Security has also increased around the Capitol in Washington. Similar to the days after the January 6th attack. As T deals with a possible indictment, Florida Governor, R.D, moving closer to his own 2024 bid, said in a new interview today that character matters, a remark seen by some T advisors as not so veiled shot at T.

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