CBS Evening News 03.27.23

Tonight, a targeted attack in Tennessee, a scene that has become all too common in America, a mass shooting. This time, at a private Christian grade school in Nashville. We’ve just learned more about the six victims, the three children, all nine years old. The three adults in their sixties. Tonight, police identified the shooter as a twenty-eight-year-old woman who previously attended the school and left behind a manifesto. Police confronted and quickly killed the shooter. These pictures of young kids holding hands to evacuate the school are reminiscent of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School ten years ago. It’s all a chilling remainder about the leading cause of death for America’s children, guns. For decades, it was car accidents that were the main cause. Well, not anymore. Since 2020, firearms overtook crashes as the number one cause of death for kids. Police said the shooter was heavily armed and prepared to do even more harm. Well, today, President B renewed his call on Congress to pass a ban on assault weapons. Police today said, based on evidence they’ve gathered, this appears to be a targeted and well-planned attack. And the police chief is now saying they know the motive but are not yet ready to release it to the public. This latest school shooting has shattered yet another community in America. Tonight, the heartbreaking belongs to Nashville. This morning at the Covenant School, a Christian Elementary in Nashville for students preschool through six grades. Within minutes, Nashville police, SWAT teams and the FBI swarmed the school finding three students and three adults dead. On the second, authorities say, they confronted a woman, a twenty-eight-year-old former student armed with two assault style rifles and a handgun. Police today revealing the shooter identifies as a transgender. Terrified parents rushed to the school as their children were escorted out by police. The shooter left behind a manifesto and authorities are now looking through it. The police chief late today said that shooter initially thought about attacking a different school but then deciding on this one.

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