CBS Evening News 04.06.22

Tonight, there is a new round of punishments from the US and European allies following those Russian atrocities in Ukraine. For the first time, V.P’s two adult daughters were sanctioned, it’s believed the Russian dictator, another Kremlin leaders, hide their wealth through family members. These latest sanctions come amid Russia’s escalating brutality in Ukraine, including alleged war crime in port city of Mariupol. The mayor there detailing what could be the highest death toll in a single town of this war, more than five thousand civilians killed he said, and he also accused Russian troops of using mobile crematoriums to burn bodies to cover tracks. And there’s yet more evidence of Russian atrocities that are coming to light including this attack on an ambulance outside of Ukrainian children’s hospital Mykolaiv.

President B says the US and its allies are not only stifling Russia’s economic growth today, but for years to come. Tonight, though Ukraine’s Z saying those sanctions are simply not enough to stop the bloodshed that is happening right now. President B promised to make Moscow pay its brutality today, rolling out another round of harsh economic penalty. The US banned all new investment in Russia by Americans, blocked assets from two of Russia’s largest banks from the American financial system and targeted Kremlin officials and their relatives. The US also sanctioned V.P’s adult daughters, both billionaires living in Russia and rarely seen in public. The US also leveled its criminal charges against Russian oligarchs today, P.M accused of invading sanctions, millions of his assets seized. But the sanctions so far have not targeted Russia’s energy sector, the country’s biggest money maker and the Ruble is now back to its pre-invasion worth. Ukraine’s President V.Z dismissed the tough rhetoric around sanctions today, and criticized those world leaders who still think that war and war crimes are not something as horrific as financial losses. Meanwhile, Treachery Secretary J.Y said the war and the sanctions causing economic pain around the world. Secretary Y also said today that President B wants Russia to be expelled from the G20, the group that is made up of the world’s twenty largest economies adding the US will boycott meetings at its next summit if Russia officials show up.

:::tip stifle

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