CBS Evening News 04.07.22

We’re going to begin here on nation’s capital, because today we had a front row seat to something that has never happened on our nation’s history, something will no doubt changing lives for decades to come. Today, the US Senate voted to confirm Judge K.B.J for a life-time appointment to the nation’s highest court. For its two hundred- and thirty-three-year history, the Supreme Court has weighed the most important issues in America that affect our everyday lives. But the court has not represented the diversity of the American people. President B promised to change that. And six weeks ago, he nominated Judge J in the most consequential decision a President can make. Three Republican Senators of Utah, Maine and Alaska broke with their party to vote for J.

Judge J’s confirmation was contentious but never really in doubt and now in today’s vote, she will take her place in history. With Vice President K.H presiding Judge K.B.J made history. The fifty one year old who wrote in her high school year book she hope to be a judge will be the Supreme Court first black woman Justice, a filling a campaign promise by President B, he watched the vote in the White House with J with Senate Democrats celebrated. The vote was bipartisan, barely, as Republicans left the chamber, one of them Senator M.R stood alone. He and two other moderate Republicans saying J is qualified and the confirmation process is broken joining all fifty members of the democratic caucus in voting yes. J’s qualifications were out of Supreme Court central casting, top Ivy League in legal credentials, nearly a decade experience as a Federal Judge. The confirmation hearings often were heated. The Republicans say she is soft on crime and extremist. With replacing Judge S.B, J won’t change the balance of currently conservative court. But as the first black woman, her perspective and experience could have influence and her voice is already been heard. For now, she is still Judge J, she won’t become Justice until Justice B stepped down at the end of term, which probably would be in late June or early July and at that point she will be officially be sworn in and get to work.

:::tip contentious

  • : likely to cause disagreement or argument. 有争议的


:::tip preside

  • : to occupy the place of authority : act as president, chairman, or moderator. 主持(会议)


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