CBS Evening News 04.23.22

Today, Ukraine’s President said that the US secretary of state A.B and the Defense Secretary L.A would visit the country’s embattled capital of Kiev tomorrow, Orthodox Eastern Sunday. So far there is no comment or confirmation from the State Department or the Pentagon. V.Z spoke at a defiant news conference where he said the visit was not quote “a big secret”. Also today, Russian forces launched deadly missile strikes on Odessa, hitting a residential neighborhood. The Russians also took aim at targets in the besieged city of Mariupol.

Normally tonight Ukraine would be getting ready to celebrate Orthodox Eastern tomorrow, but no one is in the mood to celebrate. Those who aren’t fighting for their lives will be praying for those who are. Instead of a temporary cease fire to evacuate civilians. Ukrainian officials accused Russian troops of trying to storm the steelworks where fighters and families are taking shelter. New videos released by the Azov regiment of Ukraine’s national guard is set to show women and children who been holed up in the bunkers beneath the plant for up to two months. The video was reportedly taken a few days ago and not be independently verified. Around a thousand people were about to be trapped in a maze of tunnels beneath a huge industrial site. New satellite images appear to show fresh grave sites as the mayor says twenty thousand civilians may have died so far. Russia’s reach struck Odessa today, Ukrainian officials say, firing at least six cruise missiles into the Black Sea port city. This attack comes as a Russian commander revealed that Moscow planning to establish a land bridge across Southern Ukraine to Transnistria, a breakaway Republic in Eastern Moldova. Russian forces have been intensified attacks along a three hundred miles front line in Eastern Ukraine. In the city of Kharkiv, we’ve found widespread destruction everywhere. And families who’ve been taking shelter deep underground in subway stations for months.

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