In this place, known as the city of good neighbors, an outsider suspected of conducting the nation’s latest mass shooting and it’s deadliest one this year. Ten people were killed, three wounded, officials are calling a racially motivated attack. It happened at this supermarket right behind me. Tonight, we’re learning new details about the suspected gunman, P.G, he appeared in court and pleaded not guilty to murder. Today, in Washington, President B condemned the attack. Also tonight, multiple people were wounded in a gunman opened fire inside a church in Laguna Woods, California. But back in here in Buffalo, a traumatize community is clearly grieving. At a Buffalo church service this morning. Tears, sorrow and prayers with the ten souls lost because of hate. Less than twenty-four hours earlier, this grocery store, in a predominately black neighborhood, became a scene of horror of the city worst massacre. Eighteen-year-old P.G was heavily armored, wearing a tactical helmet and gear when he took out an assault rifle and began live streaming the wild shooting spree. Investigators say the gunman traveled from his hometown in Conklin, New York, and drove more than two hundred miles to carry out his attack that was months in the making. Cornered by police, authorities convinced him to drop the gun he had pointed to his neck. He was arrested within minutes of the rampage and charged with first degree murder. Investigators are calling it hate crime and a case racially motivated violence extremism. He pleaded not guilty. They found three weapons including a rifle, a shogun in suspect’s car and an AR-15 in his possession. The N word written on the barrel of his gun, eleven of the thirteen people who were shot were black. An apparent hate-filled manifesto written by G is being evaluated for possible motives.