We’re here in Buffalo, New York while we’re learning new details about what happened inside this supermarket behind me. And we have new reporting tonight about what led up to Saturday’s deadly shooting. New tonight, authorities tell CBSN that the suspect made multiple visits to the store ahead of his rampage. He called this grocery store attack site number one and he plans to continue his shooting spree at two other places here in the city of Buffalo. We’re also learning tonight that the suspected gunman taunted federal police online month ago. Well tonight, this is a community in mourning. Ten people were killed, three injured, eleven of them were black. Those who were killed ranged from age thirty-two to eighty-six and included a retired police officer, a substitute teacher and a grandmother of six. Tomorrow, President B will come to Buffalo to grieve with this community. And it was a deadly weekend here in America. The United States has seen two hundred and two mass shooting so far this year. Four of them happened on Sunday. We spoke with Buffalo’s police commissioner, J.G, who’s been with the Department for twenty-five years.
Tops cashier K.A she was at work when the shooter opened fire. She ran to a back conference room with co-workers. They barricaded the door with table. On Saturday afternoon, police say eighteen-year-old P.G dressed in military style camouflage and armed with a semi-automatic rifle shot four people in the parking lot. He then walked inside the supermarket, when he encountered security guard A.S, a fifty-five-year retired police lieutenant. Today, President B paid tribute to him. The gunman shot a total of thirteen people, killing ten. Investigators say he had plans to go another store after the rampage but he was arrested. Police also say he drove more than two hundred miles from his home in Conklin, New York to kill as many black people as he could. G pleaded not guilty at his arraignment on Saturday to a charge of first-degree murder. A CBSN source says the shooter wrote a lengthy online post where he described himself as white supremacist. He even scouted out the supermarket in early March, and visited the day before the shooting.