CBS Evening News 06.08.22

We come on the air with breaking news. A military Osprey aircraft has crashed in California with reports of five service members on board. We’re gathering the late breaking details right now. The House of Representatives just voted on a package of gun control measures that would tighten the nation’s gun laws in response to the recent mass shootings. Democrats wanted to put Republicans on the record with these eight measures everything from raising purchasing age for semiautomatic weapons to limiting magazine sizes. And even though the bills have passed the democratically controlled House, they won’t make it through the Senate instead there, a bipartisan group is working on a narrow bill which critics say won’t change much. The lead up to these votes was heartbreaking testimony from fourth grade survivor and from parents of a ten-year-old who was killed in Uvalde.

As the debate over how to combat gun violence intensifies here in Capital Hill, many lawmakers were forced to confront the human toll that is taking by listening to a young girl who has the courage and instinct to save her own life. This was the moment fourth grader, M.C relived the nightmare of a gunman entering her classroom at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Tonight, the House is voting on a package of gun restrictions that include raising the purchasing age to 21 for semiautomatic weapons and banning high-capacity magazines but most Republicans oppose it calling it reactionary and unconstitutional.

Well, the weapon of choice in both Uvalde and Buffalo mass shootings were an AR-15 style rifle. According to a leading gun industry group, there are approximately twenty million of these weapons particularly in the US. And tonight, in a CBSN investigation, we take a look at how gun makers marketing these assault style weapons for young people.

:::tip reactionary

  • : relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction especially : ultraconservative in politics 反动的


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