CBS Evening News 06.11.22

The United States accounts for 4% of the world’s population, but nearly 10% of gun murders. People of color are disproportionately impacted. Today, thousands rallied nationwide, demanding Congress act now. They gathered with March for Our lives. The organization was formed in aftermath of the Parkland School shooting in 2018. Organizers say there were more than fifty rallies across the US. The largest in Washington DC.

Well, it’s been four years since thousands of people rallied here in Washington calling lawmakers to keep them safe away from gun violence in everyday places. Well today, they were back, frustrated and with the same message. Emotional, impassioned ralliers say now is the time for action. People from across the country gathered at the National Mall for the second March for Our Lives demanding gun control legislation on every level. The lawmakers say they’re making progress, we know they met virtually yesterday. Senator C.M of Connecticut who is leading the charge of passing tougher measures says while he is for compromise, he doesn’t want to just check any sort of box unless that means this bill will save lives. Senators will back here on the Hill on Monday.

For the first time ever, the average price of gas nationwide has hit an unprecedented $5 per gallon. But for drivers in California, that price is still a bargain.

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