As we come on the air tonight, the State Department is scrambling for information on three Americans who’ve gone missing in the war in Ukraine. Their families are anxiously awaiting any news. All three served in the US military and traveled into the war zone to help the Ukrainians fight the Russians. Well today, Russian media showed video of two of the man A.D and A.H apparently in Russian custody. Well tonight, we are not going to play the audio on this video so as not to play into any propaganda. The pair vanished about a week ago in Eastern Ukraine where the fighting has been brutal. Russian forces are out to crush Ukrainian resistance and take control of the entire Donbass region. Well today President B says the US doesn’t know where the two men are and said Americans should stay out of Ukraine.
The Kremlin says it doesn’t know anything about American prisoners in Russia. But members of their squadron tell us images of them in Russian hands are undeniably real. They’re alive, but in Russia’s custody and forced to speak Russian. A member of their squad tells CBSN they are 100% certain the video and this photo are real all circulating in Russian media. CBSN spoke to another American who says he fought alongside D and W. He asked not to be identified. It may be Ukraine’s war, but more and more Americans are fighting in it. Now a third American fighter has gone missing on the frontlines. Retired Marine Captain G.K, a twenty-year veteran, reportedly disappeared after taking small arms fire in the Kherson region. For those captured, their fate rests in the hands of Russia where lawmakers are already discussing the death penalty.
:::tip squadron
- : a unit of military organization 中队