CBS Evening News 07.05.23

We begin with the Secret Service leading an investigation into who brought cocaine into the White House. The surprising discovery of a bag of suspicious white powder initially caused a panic leading to a temporary closure of the building on Sunday. The illegal drug was found near a visitor entrance for those who taking a tour of the West Wing. Today, lab test came back positive for cocaine. President B and the first family were at Camp David at the time.

Tonight, the White House says it is very important to President B to get to the bottom of who brought that illegal drug inside, but officials caution this could be a challenging investigation. Tonight, the leading theory is that someone on a White House tour may have left a small bag of cocaine in the West Wing. According to senior law enforcement officials, the discovery Sunday night put the White House on temporary lockdown until the substance was deemed not a threat. The bag was discovered on the ground floor, in a common area near the entry to the West Wing, not far from the Situation Room. It was close to a set of storage cubbies, where visitors leave their cell phones during a tour. The Secret Service is leading the investigation looking at visitor logs and camera surveillance. White House visitors undergo background checks and go through magnetometers on site, but the Secret Service does not have K-9 units that target illegal drug. Instead, the dog searched for explosives, biohazardous materials, and weapons.

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