CBS Evening News 07.15.22

Tonight, we want to begin in Saudi Arabia where President B is on day three of his four-day trip to the Middle East. It’s his first trip as the President to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to meet the King and the country’s de facto leader, crown prince M.S. Today, Mr. B said he told M.S to this face that he believes the young leader is to blame for the killing of Washington Post contributor, J.K. The President defended his visit to Saudi Arabia despite its poor human rights record, saying the country is vital to the security in the region. American officials also announced a number of agreements with Saudi Arabia on topics like energy, security, building 5G networks, opening Saudi airspace to Israeli flights, and extending a truce in Yemen.

Tonight’s meeting capped months of careful negotiation between the White House and the Kingdom over how and with whom exactly the president would spend his time here. On the agenda, Middle East peace, military cooperation, high gas prices and the murder of a prominent critic of the Saudi royal family. With the bump of two fists, President B today gave media savvy Saudi Crown Prince, M.S the viral moment he’s been seeking. The President was reluctant to meet with M.S as he’s known, having denounced him publicly after US intelligence confirmed the Saudi leader ordered the murder of one of his critics, Washington Post columnist, J.K. Mr. B said he raised the killing at the start of his meeting with M.S with a fist bump and continued other top US officials.

:::tip truce

  • : a suspension of fighting especially of considerable duration by agreement of opposing forces : ARMISTICE, CEASE-FIRE 停战


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