CBS Evening News 07.16.23

We’ve got coast to coast weather worries to talk about tonight. And here’s the latest, the worse first. In the northeast, deadly flash flooding swamped parts of Pennsylvania and New England. Today, these storms also forced ground stops at northeast airports. More than six thousand flights delayed, more than fourteen hundred canceled. Out west, this is day thirty-one, you’ve heard right, of dangerous heat. More than forty record highs are expected to fall today.

California’s power grid is being put to the test by these brutal triple-digit temperatures stifling much of the state. While it’s hot and dry here, the east coast is getting slammed by summer storms. Mother nature’s powerful one-two punch, a dangerous heat dome stretching from south to west and torrential rains in the east. Flash flooding in Pennsylvania left five dead and two missing. Millions of Americans across ten states are under a flood alert. New York’s Governor C.H is pleading with residents to stay inside. H says recent summer storms have already caused about fifty million dollars in damage. It’s not rain, but blistering heat causing misery from Texas to California. Austin expected to hit one hundred seven on Monday, a new record. Phoenix now in its third week of temperatures a hundred ten or above, upping the danger of heat stroke and severe burns, especially on playground. In southern California, punishing triple-digit temperatures in dry conditions sparked multiple fires, burning thousands of acres and putting communities on alert for re-evacuations. Many in the Golden State are sweltering and trying to stay safe. Health experts are urging people to stay indoors, drink plenty of water, and if you do go outside, wear a light-colored clothing, because heat-stroke can hit quickly and often without warning.

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