CBS Evening News 07.22.22

Tonight, the President is in Covid isolation in the White House residence, but keeping up with brisk work pace that according to his spokesperson. Mr. B, seventy-nine held a virtual meeting with his advisors to survey turbulent economic trends still above-average gas prices. He appeared in good spirits but his voice sounded a bit hoarse. He gave reporters a thumbs up when they asked how he was feeling. President’s doctors say his symptoms have improved; he is responding well to antiviral medications. The White House continues to stress the President is well positioned and recover quickly because he has been double vaccinated and twice boosted.

The White House is working very hard to convey that it is business as usual around here even with the Commander in Chief now in isolation. Today, they made sure that the public had plenty of opportunities to see that he is still on the job despite the diagnoses. Confined to the White House residence, President B conducted business by Zoom today. A couple coughs and a fog in his throat were the only outward signs of infection, as he discussed gas prices with his top aides. In a new letter, White House Doctor K.O said the President’s mild symptoms have improved. A 99.4F temperature last night, came down with Tylenol and has remained normal since then. The Doctor also recommended initiating low-aspirin as a temporary alternative to the President’s normal blood thinner which has had to be halted during the five-day course of the Covid antiviral drug, Paxlovid. The President interacted with dozens of people in the two days before he tested positive. Today, White House released the result of contact tracing.

:::tip hoarse

  • : rough or harsh in sound : GRATING 沙哑的


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