CBS Evening News 07.23.22

In the nation’s capital, people are trying get whatever relief they could, as temperatures reached ninety-seven degrees today, the hottest weekend so far this year. And the heat wave there continues through Monday. In Florida, police investigating a baby’s death after he was left in a hot car. This marks eleven hot car fatalities in the US this year. And today, Amtrak is warning of more heat related delays.

The CDC warns more than six hundred people in the US died every year from extreme heat. And doctors advise that deaths are preventable. They say make sure wear lightweight clothing and drink plenty of water. From Massachusetts to Arizona, millions of Americans are battling intense heat this week, with many excessive heat warnings and advisories. A Pennsylvania pool is running on shorter hours this weekend in part to protect the staff. In Boston, the dangerous forecast contributed to postponing Sunday’s triathlon. Nationwide, designated cooling centers are available for folks trying to get a break. But in 2021 study published in the international journal of environmental research and public health looked at twenty-five cities with these centers and found that about eighty-nine percent of people over sixty-five did not have walkable access. Researchers fear the number of adults at risk could be higher since so many are not mobile.

The heat wave has also prompted severe thunder storm warnings here in Midwest and in the Northeast.

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