CBS Evening News 08.03.22

We begin tonight with resounding victory for abortion rights in Kansas, where voters there rejected a ballot measure that would have eliminated state constitutional protections for the procedure. Voters turned out in droves with numbers on par with a general election. At the White House, the President said Republicans quote “don’t’ have a clue about the power of American women, last night in Kansas, they found out”. The President also signed an executive order aimed at making it easier for women seeking abortion to travel between states to obtain care. Election results from five states show former President T remain highly influential in Republican party, with several 2020 election deniers winning.

Well, those votes surprised many on the ground here in Kansas because it’s a conservative state. D.T won here by nearly fifteen points in 2020. And Republicans controlled the state legislature with a super majority. But voter turnout broke records and sent a message heard around the country. In conservative Kansas, an unlikely victory for abortion rights. Voters rejected the measure that would have removed abortion protections from the state constitution which would have paved the way for Republican legislature to enact further restrictions. Anti-abortion rights groups say this is just a setback. The results were decisive with fifty-nine percent voting to keep the current abortion rights in place, reflective of the national mood. The CBS battleground tracker shows fifty-six of voters disapprove of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe V Wade. It’s the dynamic activists are hoping translates to other states. In November, Kentucky will have a similar ballot question. On Montana will have a “Born alive” measure. California and Vermont will ask voters if they want to codify abortion rights into state’s constitution. Democrats hope the issue will galvanize their voters in the midterms. President B ordered an executive order today that would expand access to reproductive healthcare including helping women travel out of state to receive abortions. But without federal protections, abortion access remains a patchwork. And Kansas actually become destination for patients seeking care from states where procedure is banned. And clinics like the one behind me are already seeing a rush of patients.

:::tip patchwork

  • : something composed of miscellaneous or incongruous parts 东拼西凑


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