CBS Evening News 08.07.22

Tonight, President B has the milestone legislative victory he desperately wanted and needed heading into November’s midterm. And naturally, it didn’t come easy. First, polarized senators pulled an all-nighter. They started debating Saturday and kept arguing before finally voting. Then late today, Vice President K.H casting the tiebreaker, Democrats passed the President’s economic agenda that have been left for dead. It’s a mix of climate change spending, lower healthcare cost and raise corporate taxes. Also today, the President left the White House for the first time in more than two weeks since he first tested positive for Covid. He’ll head tomorrow to tour Kentucky’s flood damage and said today he is feeling great.

The President acknowledge that this bill requires compromises but it includes some of his top policy goals. The legislation now heads to the US House for vote there, expected later this week. After a marathon weekend session that started more than twenty-four hours ago and ended in a major legislative win for Democrats. The Vice President K.H delivered the tiebreaking vote to pass the climate healthcare and tax bill known as the “Inflation Reduction Act” through an evenly divided Senate. But the final vote didn’t come before eleventh hours negotiations over a key tax provision in the legislation. A fifteen percent minimum tax on large companies. Senate Democrats say the legislation which represents in historic investment in climate will lower energy cost providing tax credits to those who buy green and manufactures who build it. They also argue it will reduce healthcare costs, especially for seniors and allow Medicare to negotiate down high-priced prescription drugs.

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