CBS Evening News 08.09.22

Tonight, new details about the unprecedented FBI search of former President D.T’s Florida home. What we’re learning about the investigation that’s focused on potential mishandling of what could be classified material. Sources tell CBSN the FBI was met by T’s attorneys along with the secret service agents. It is the first time that in American history that a search warrant has been issued on a former President. And given the political implications, approval came from the very highest levels of the Department of Justice. White House officials say President B had no prior knowledge of the search and current FBI director C.W was appointed by T five years ago. A T’s lawyer who’s at Mar-a-Lago yesterday told us FBI pretty much arrived in full force, with agents and personnel numbering more than thirty. They brough a box truck for document removal. The search, this lawyer told us, targeted three rooms, the former President’s bedroom, his office and the storage room. The FBI executed a search of Mar-A-Lago, T’s primary residence, around 10 AM Monday. Two sources told CBSN, the investigators seized boxes and paper documents but no electronics. The Secret Service maintain a constant presence at the former President’s home and facilitate the FBI’s entry. Authorities also opened T’s safe at least two of T’s lawyers were present during the search. The documents are believed to contain classified information. T and federal investigators had been in negotiations over the records and the FBI visited Mar-A-Lago in June. Mishandling classified materials is potentially criminal. Federal law requires presidential records to be turned over to National Archives. It’s not known what documents were taken by federal authorities Monday. The Justice Department has so far declined comment. The night fell Monday, pro-T protesters gathered outside Mar-a-Lago, more assembled there today. T was not home but released a statement alleging that he was a victim of a politicized Justice Department.

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