CBS Evening News 09.08.22

The world is mourning Queen Elizabeth II who died this afternoon at age ninety-six. Surrounded by family at her summer home in Scotland. Earlier in the day, the Buckingham Palace announced that Her Majesty who ruled over the Commonwealth for a record seventy years was put on a medical supervision. Her doctors were concerned about her health, family rushed to her side. In accordance with the royal line of succession, her oldest son Charles immediately became King which put her grandson Price William next in the line to the throne followed by William’s eldest son nine-year-old Prince George. Just before her death was announced, a double rainbow appeared Buckingham Palace as the crowd gathered. President B visited British Embassy in Washington late today and left a message in condolence book. In the statement he said quote “Queen Elizabeth was a stateswoman of unmatched dignity and constancy who deepened the bedrock alliance between United Kingdom and the United States.”

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