CBS Evening News 11.13.21

Diplomats from nearly two hundred countries today struck a major agreement amid at intensifying global efforts to fight climate change. It happened after fifteen days marathon in Scotland. But instead of celebrations, there is disappointment. Tough talk on reducing coal emission, worst greenhouse gas, have been watered down.

This is what the nitty-gritty of climate diplomacy looks like. That’s US climate envoy JK, with his Chinese counterpart XZH, with this conference already well into overtime, it was supposed to end yesterday, delegates today are still trying to trash out a concluding statement they can all live with. Quote: “And we arrived at what I believe is the moment of truth.”

But truth has many forms here. For developing countries like India and China, which are still dependent on fossil fuels, there are objections over the one size fits all phase out of coal use that was being proposed. For delegates from island nations threatened by sea level rise, the amount of money being promised to compensate for the loss and damage that climate change is causing wasn’t secure enough, but the G offer was the best one around. I would not be able to tell them that G has made a promise secure them their future. A plea for compromise that came from some of the richer countries that will be footing the loss and damage bill drew sustain applause. Among the measures being adopted here, that countries will make pledge next year to make deeper cut in greenhouse gas they produce, that financial aid to poor countries will be doubled. In any negotiation, not everyone gets everything they want.

With the spike in carjacking here, Chi police expanded their taskforce twice already this year, but without much success. With all of those carjackings, the arrest rate is just 5%.

:::tip nitty-gritty

  • what is essential and basic. 事实本质
  • specific practical details. 细节


:::tip thrash out

  • to talk about (something) in order to make a decision, find a solution, etc. 研究对策


:::tip one size fits all

  • designed to conform to all shapes and sizes. 一刀切;一体适用;万全之策


:::tip phase out

  • a gradual stopping (as in operations or production). 逐渐停止
  • a closing down by phases. 分期关停


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