CBS Evening News 11.24.21

Three white men were found guilty for murder for chasing down and fatally shooting the 25-year-old man black man named A.A in February 2020. Those men may now spend the rest of their lives in prison. The triggerman T.M, his gather G.M, and their neighbor R.B claimed that they suspect A.A of burglaries in their neighborhood and were attempting to make citizen’s arrest. But prosecutors argued the men have no evidence of A.A committing of any crimes and no right to pursuit him. The killing prompt GA officials to repeal state’s citizen’s arrest law. The case garnered national attention and drew civil rights leaders to B, GA.

We turn now to one of the busiest travel days of the year, fifty million Americans are expected to fly, drive or take a train to their Thanksgiving destination, that is the highest number of estimated travelers since before the pandemic. Thankfully, flight cancelations and delays are low nationwide tonight thanks to ideal weather conditions, however, traveler volume is tremendously high both here on the ground and in the air, making it virtually impossible tonight to avoid the crowds. Tonight, Americans are on the move, most on driving, more than 48 million hitting the roads. Tonight, finding gas prices averaging $3.39 per gallon, the highest Thanksgiving holiday price in 9 years.

:::tip treacherous

  • marked by hidden dangers, hazards, or perils; likely to betray trust. 危险的;不可靠的,背信弃义的


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