CBS Evening News 12.08.23

We begin tonight with the very serious criminal charges facing the president’s son, H.B. The indictment coming down last night is breath taking in scope about how the Yale trained lawyer allegedly spent years skimming to avoid more than a million dollars in taxes. Or in the words of prosecutors “living in extravagant live style”. This fifty-six-page indictment includes numerous salacious details including how he spent his money on escorts and girlfriends. It’s important to know that H.B has admitted a decades-long addiction problem to drugs and alcohol, getting worse after the death of his only brother B. Reality is now H.B two criminal trials as his father seeks re-election to the White House. In September, B was indicted by a separate grand jury in charges of lying about being a drug user on an application to buy a handgun.

Legal experts tell CBSN the felony charges against H.B are serious and the court paper contains graphic allegations as the White House keeps his distance from the case. Leaving the White House for campaign stops in California, President B ignored questions about his son’s felony and misdemeanor tax charges. The fifty-six-page indictment details an alleged four-year-scheme to avoid paying at least 1.4 million in federal taxes. H.B is charged with nine counts including tax evasion. The special counsel D.W included eye-popping details about B alleged spending. 1.6 million in cash from ATM withdrawals, six hundred and eighty-three thousand in payment to various women and thirty-nine thousand for home help, cleaning and childcare.

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