CBS Evening News 12.11.23

Tonight, we begin with breaking news. The Supreme Court just moments ago taking a step forward in a historic case involving D.T. Late this afternoon, the Supreme Court agreeing to hear an extraordinary petition from Special Counsel J.S who is pursing a criminal prosecution of T for his attempts to overturn 2020 election. The nation’s highest court is now set to weigh in for the first time on the historic criminal prosecution of a former president. And the special counsel is asking the justices to break from tradition and decide quickly on whether D.T has immunity. Now here is what the special counsel wrote in the petition: this case presents a fundamental question at the heart of our democracy whether a former president is absolutely immune from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office.

J.S is looking into the future knows when the January 6th trial begins next year former President T will claim it’s illegal and tried to raise that with the highest court, that view is backed up by our sources who say T is pushing his lawyers to appeal, appeal and appeal and argue he should be immune from prosecution about his alleged conduct while serving as president. But S is trying to get ahead of T’s strategy to make sure he is on solid ground legally and won’t be delayed by a flurry of motions from T. T’s team pushed back against him today saying S is attempting to bypass the appeal process they now have until December to respond before the high court weighs in if they do it all.

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