We begin tonight on the campaign trail for the 2024 Republican Nomination. N.H is facing a barrage of criticism, not for something she said during the New Hampshire town hall but for something she didn’t say when a voter asked simply what caused the civil war. The former South Carolina Governor and T administration UN ambassador did not mention slavery in her answer. Instead, she said it was about the role of government and the rights of the people. H attempted to clean up her remarks today and blamed the Democratic plan for the question. And this breaking news, D.T has been removed from another state’s primary ballot, this time in Maine.
Trying to spring an upset, N.H has been fighting for months to win the spotlight. But tonight, she is beneath a glaring one and taking the heat. N.H who has been surging in the poll in New Hampshire, now faces a rising wave of criticism over this response to a question that at a town hall event. She called the question a plant of the Democrats.